About Us
Team Members

Dr. Boris Armel Olou
Chief Executive Officier
Boris Olou has been working on fungi since 2016. He is...

Dr. Boris Armel Olou
Chief Executive Officier
Boris Olou has been working on fungi since 2016. He is the founder and CEO of Fungi For Nature, the first NGO in Africa dedicated to all aspects of fungi. A naturalist and agronomist by training, Boris Olou is very passionate about fungi and carried out his doctoral work in Munich and Kassel from 2017 to 2020 with funding from DAAD. Convinced of the vital role of fungi, Boris Olou has always found a place for fungi in all his activities. Boris Olou is the author of more than 15 scientific publications on African fungi and has collected fungi in several countries around the world, including Benin, Niger, Burkina-Faso, Burundi, Togo, Guinea, France, Poland and Germany. He also described more than ten new species of fungi. Convinced that mushrooms are the solution to the various problems holding back sustainable development, Boris Olou has received funding from the Rufford Foundation, Mohamed bin Zayed conservation funds, Idea Wild, CEBioS and others. This funding has been used to document the diversity of mushrooms in tropical Africa, empower women and young people through mushroom cultivation, develop the value chain around edible mushrooms, reintroduce endangered or extinct mushrooms by planting seedlings, and promote environmental education. Boris Olou is a member of several associations, including the IUCN, the Association of European Mycologists and the African Mycological Association. Find more about Boris Olou by viewing his CV.

Basile Gbètondji Hounwanou
Basile Gbètondji Hounwanou is ecologist, Mycologist, and conservationist with more than 8 years experience in research for the conservation of Biodiversity in West Africa. Since 2017, Basile is dedicated to the conservation of wild fungi, through research into their biology/ecology and fungal education to local communities. He has tractable records in project management, fundraising and wildlife protection. Basile has coordinated three projects funded by the Rufford and Mohamed Bin Zayed foundations, which have contributed to community awareness-raising, local community capacity-building, native tree planting, ecosystem restoration, sustainable agriculture and food security.
Basile Hounwanou is also engaged as a volonteer in the IUCN/World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and active member of the Mushroom, Bracket, and Puffball Specialist Group of IUCN.

François Chabi
Administrative and Financial Secretary
Boris Olou has been working on fungi since 2016. He is...

François Chabi
Administrative and Financial Secretary
Boris Olou has been working on fungi since 2016. He is the founder and CEO of Fungi For Nature, the first NGO in Africa dedicated to all aspects of fungi. A naturalist and agronomist by training, Boris Olou is very passionate about fungi and carried out his doctoral work in Munich and Kassel from 2017 to 2020 with funding from DAAD. Convinced of the vital role of fungi, Boris Olou has always found a place for fungi in all his activities. Boris Olou is the author of more than 15 scientific publications on African fungi and has collected fungi in several countries around the world, including Benin, Niger, Burkina-Faso, Burundi, Togo, Guinea, France, Poland and Germany. He also described more than ten new species of fungi. Convinced that mushrooms are the solution to the various problems holding back sustainable development, Boris Olou has received funding from the Rufford Foundation, Mohamed bin Zayed conservation funds, Idea Wild, CEBioS and others. This funding has been used to document the diversity of mushrooms in tropical Africa, empower women and young people through mushroom cultivation, develop the value chain around edible mushrooms, reintroduce endangered or extinct mushrooms by planting seedlings, and promote environmental education. Boris Olou is a member of several associations, including the IUCN, the Association of European Mycologists and the African Mycological Association. Find more about Boris Olou by viewing his CV.

Julios Daïro
External auditor
My name is DAÏRO Ogoudaré Julios, an economist by training, with a DEA/Master's degree in Industrial Economics. I have over 5 years' professional experience in this field and I have been involved in assignments in the fields of agriculture, economics, environment, gender, etc. I have also contributed to the drafting of several documents of national and international interest, in particular with the African Development Bank (AfDB) through the preparation of the completion report of the 2017-2021 Country Strategy Paper combined with the Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR 2021) and many other studies. The various assignments I have carried out and the positions I have held have given me solid experience in matters relating to economic studies.
Other members

Dr Anna Ralaiveloarisoa
Assistant Project Manager
Dr Anna Ralaiveloarisoa is the first mycologist from Madagascar and has been working on fungi since 2016. Anna is now a Postdoctoral researcher at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, based in Madagascar and teach at the University of Antananarivo to inspire the next generation of fungal scientists and enthusiasts in the country . She has described more 15 Malagasy Specie and leaded 3 scientific papers and Co-authored 2 other manuscripts.
Anna has been active in seeking funding for herself. She has received grant from different funder/association eg Bentham-Moxon, IAPT, SPUN,... in other to document the unknown Malagasy fungi. She is also member of various association like IAPT, Kew Mycologist, SPUN, UICN
Advisors Team

Ewald langer

Mario Amalfi

Zeus Ahmed

Jane Doe
Lynne Boddy